70 percent of the planet's surface is covered by the oceans & these oceans of the world are under serious threat. From plastics and ocean acidification to water pollution and overfishing. So we are creating a positive impact while following our passion. Our salty playground gives us so much and we are committed to give back! We might not be able to solve all planets problems but we proud to be part of the solution even if they are small steps in the right direction.
When purchasing from The Salty Souls you are not just buying an organic cotton T-shirt or recycled polyester bum bag, you are actually giving back to the seas. We see ourselves as a platform for the community, to raise awareness about the current global situations and be a voice for the oceans.
This is why we specifically partnered up with Enalia Physis and donate 5% of ALL GLOBAL ONLINE SALES to this amazing organization. Enalia Physis Environmental Research Centre is a Cyprus-based non-profit organization with the mission to ensure the protection and sustainable use of marine and terrestrial resources through scientific research, advocacy, education and consultation in order to promote conservation through progress in political, cultural and social change. We also collaborate in various events that raise awareness & funding for a common goal. For more information about Enalia Physis Environmental Research Centre check out https://enaliaphysis.org.cy
Plastic waste makes up 80% of all marine pollution and around 8 to 10 million metric tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year. It is estimated that there are now 15–51 trillion pieces of plastic in the world's oceans — from the equator to the poles, from Arctic ice sheets to the sea floor.
So to minimise the impact of plastic waste, for every product you purchase online from thesaltysoulsshop.com we will match it with removing 1kg of ocean bound plastic and support the vision of Clean Hub.
Ocean Bound Plastic is abandoned plastic waste on its way to our oceans. It is estimated that 80% of the oceans' plastic contamination originated from land. It includes inadequately collected plastic waste located within a 50 km distance of the coastline, located 200m from shores & rivers and used fishing gears and plastic bycatch.
CleanHub was founded to stop non-recyclable plastic from getting into our oceans. But it isn’t about the emotional response we all have to seeing plastic on our beaches. CleanHub takes it a step further than just collecting the waste from our oceans & seas. Their vision is to build the asset-light waste management system that enables a global circular economy, where all waste is re-purposed into new applications and no new materials are needed. For more information about CleanHub and their activities check out https://www.cleanhub.com/
We are deeply committed to making sustainable practices, ethical products and positive environmental impacts. With every online purchase you will not only be the owner of environmentally friendly produced gear, but also be contributing to protect our beautiful seas! Legends, it’s your ocean too!
Let's make a positive impact & continue to protect our Salty Playground 💪🤙